Exercise If You’re Able To
In some cases, chronic pain can prevent people who suffer from it from being able to exercise. However, if you’re able to get exercise without experiencing too much pain or worsening your health condition, doing so could help you manage your persistent pain. When you exercise, the body releases brain chemicals called endorphins, which improve one’s mood and block pain signals. In addition, exercising can strengthen muscles to prevent injury, which can lead to increased pain. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, consider asking your doctor about safe exercises you can do in order to manage your discomfort.
Eliminate Stress as Much as Possible
Reducing stress in one’s life is far easier said than done. However, making an effort to decrease stress levels can greatly reduce the intensity of chronic pain in some cases. Stress has numerous negative effects on the body, including escalating the body’s response to pain. As such, by decreasing stress, you may also experience a decrease in chronic pain. Examples of ways you can potentially decrease your stress levels include going to a spa, meditation, deep breathing exercises, aromatherapy, yoga, and simply taking some time for yourself throughout the day—even if it’s only 15 minutes.