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Tips for Improving Work-Life Balance
Having a healthy work-life balance can improve your life in a myriad of ways. When work overtakes your time, you run the risk of burnout, anxiety, depression, and a compromised immune system are just a few of the unpleasant side effects you’ll experience.

Avoiding burnout and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is achievable! Check out these tips for improving work-life balance for a healthier and happier outlook.

Discover Your Values

It’s easy to forget to stay rooted in our core values. The first step in a successful work-life balance is to determine what your most important values consist of. Base this decision on what you need, not what you think you should do. Using these values as a guide, decide what’s most important to you and then prioritize it.

Manage Your Expectations

You’re not a superhero, so don’t try to be one! No one can do everything in a single day. Set expectations for the day or week, and don’t react with guilt if you can’t reach them. Give yourself the same kindness you would give anyone else.

Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health

Setting boundaries with others will also help you prioritize your mental and physical health. Let clients and co-workers know when you’re not available. Schedule time into your week for “you time”—maybe it’s a class you’ve wanted to take or just some much-needed physical self-care, like a spa appointment or a workout.

Learn To Say No

One of the biggest tips for improving your work-life balance is learning to say no. If you’re a people pleaser, this is especially hard! When your workload feels unsustainable, tell your supervisor. If you’re unable to make commitments to your friends, tell them so. Agreeing to things we aren’t capable of doing or simply don’t want to do can lead to resentment and, ultimately, burnout.

Balancing your work and life isn’t easy—there will still be hard days. But when you begin to prioritize yourself, you’ll be healthier and happier overall!

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