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Things To Know Before Dyeing Your Hair
Chances are you’ve experimented with your hair color or given it serious consideration. There’s no shame in wanting to move past dishwater blonde or even supplementing your hair with some well-placed highlights. But in the wrong hands—which are, we must admit, most often our own hands—a new adventure in hair color can become a painful odyssey back to follicular respectability. Here are some things to know before dyeing your hair so that your next embrace of color is a warm and happy one.

Put Down the Shampoo Bottle

Shampoo is a necessary detergent to clean your hair of the dirt and dead skin that accumulate over time. But shampooing also strips your hair of the natural oils your body produces to keep hair from getting dry and brittle. When it comes to dyeing your hair, you want a healthy layer of those natural oils to protect your scalp from the artificial dye. Try not to shampoo within 48 hours of application.

A Little Splash of Color Goes a Long Way

Maybe you’re not ready for something as unorthodox as full-on root-to-tip hair in a shocking shade of electric blue. That’s fine. But accents of colors that lie outside the traditional hair color spectrum can let you show off your individuality and catch a lot of eyes—in a good way. Learn the proper way to feature bursts of bright colors in your hair, and leave that all-over orange to a wig from the Halloween store.

Don’t Do It Yourself

The DIY approach is great for upcycling an old end table you scooped up at a garage sale. When it comes to making dramatic changes to your hair, however, it’s best to leave it to the pros. Consult your stylist for the best approach before you grab a box of dye off the drugstore shelf.


One of the most important things to know before dyeing your hair is that your hair stylist is here to help. Don’t be afraid to get a good dialogue going about what you have in mind for your hair. Be detailed when describing what you’re envisioning, and if you have examples from social media or magazines, have those clippings—real or virtual—at the ready so that your stylist can make your concept a striking reality.

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